Sunday, March 6, 2011

March 4, 2011--------LIS 489

Time: 8:00 am to 11:30 am
12:45 pm to 3:40 pm

Thursday, I put away books that had been accumulating on the return shelf. The books were divided into non-fiction books and fiction books. The books were put away first in the fiction section for those who were fiction. For the non-fiction books, they were divided by the hundreds like 3xx or 5xx. Some times I would see books that were out of place but made a pile and finished with the ones that I started with. After I was done, I put the books that were out of place, into their place. Putting the books back took along time to place but I was done before I went for lunch.
When I returned from lunch, I started to repair books by finding the proper cover for the front covers of the three books that were given to me. I finished with the printing out of the front covers and waited for further instructions from Ms. Sorensen. I wanted to see how she put new front covers over the books. While I waited for her, I found that the shelf for shelving books had filled up again and started to put the books back in their place. I was stopped several times for students needing help with computer, book, and password information. A librarian job never sits still in a school library, do they?

I learned that there might be the same occurrence of jobs like shelving books either on the same day or in a weeks rotation.

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