Sunday, March 13, 2011

March 8, 2011------LIS 489

Time: 8:00 am to 3:35 pm with a thirty minute lunch break

Tuesday, the students at Petal High School were getting ready for exams on Thursday and Friday. Many of them had to write papers for their exams to give to their teachers. So, the students had to come in to the library to use the computers to write their research or project papers. For the most part, the students were looking for laptops and how to find the printer to print their assignments. The main job for me was to keep the laptops charged for the patrons who needed them.

I also put more books into the system that were piled up on the rolling cart that were needing to be put into the system. Most of the books that I had to catalog into the system because the 'Destiny' program did not recognize the title, ISBN number, or could not find the book by the author. There are two ways to enter the cataloging information. The cataloger can do it the easy way which includes entering the information in to the designated boxes or enter the material by the MARC tags. The choice is the cataloger's choice.

I learned that the easy way is not always the best way to put down the information for cataloging. Some times it is best to use the tags to place the information down onto the paper. Also, the system can help the cataloger find the Dewey Decimal number for placing certain books into certain catalogs like 'cookery' equals 641.

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