Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feburary 17, 2011-------LIS 489

Times: 8:00 am -11:30am
12:30 am - 3:35pm

Thursday was a day of non-stop motion of helping with different areas of the library. Today was a similar day of setting up the laptops and the desktops computers for students to use them to do survey. With the help of the T.A.s that are in the library, we were able to check them out, check them in, set up the computers for students, shut them down, put them in there spot to charge, and start all over again.

When we didn't have much students in the library, I took it upon myself to add books to the library system called 'Destiny'. Some of the books that I was adding to the system were scanned to make sure the content was appropriate for young readers. Some of the books were cartoon books called manga which are Japanese, Korean, or another Asian product of cartoon illustrated books. Sometimes what the artist or publishing company considers to be appropriate could be different to the viewings of American readers views.

I learned that sometimes a librarian has to step back from the situation to determine what should be done to suit the patron's needs and the library needs. I learned that a librarian can be busy with minor or major situation at one time and rushing never helps.

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